Patrick B. McCutchan


Patrick McCutchan is a portrait photographer with over 30 years of experience. His work has been featured by the Associated Press, Amazon's best-selling “Drag: Combing Through the Big Wigs of Show Business,” magazines, 007 Houston, Spotify, and many local publications. In 2011, Hasselblad recognized him as one of the world’s top 50 photographers.

Event & Portrait Photography of People Places and Relationship

Wedding Photography by Patrick McCutchan

Portrait Photography by Patrick B. McCutchan

pinup boudoir and traditional black-and-white nudes

Master photographer Patrick B. McCutchan has created pinup boudoir and traditional black-and-white nudes for over thirty years. His work celebrates the human figure and captures the grace and composure of that glitzy golden age. Patrick captures a strong sense of aesthetics today, with modernism and nostalgia in a subdued respect to the past. They evoke the timeless beauty of pinup legends and monochrome photographs' unadulterated, emotional intensity. In addition to maintaining the classic attraction of boudoir and black-and-white photography, his dedication to this genre has stretched the boundaries and produced an atmosphere in which every curve and shadow tells a different story of beauty, strength, and fragility.