Media Production


Local Spotlight Packages and Partnerships

Spotlight Marketing Campaigns, Media Creations, Scripted & Edited Videos with music, With a platform appropriate lengths, Embed Code/Link for sharing on companies own channels and Websites.

MSP Excite campaigns Include Video & Ad Copy, In the gaze of communities you serve and in front of Visitors of Minneapolis & Saint Paul that are looking to connect with our culture.

Video Creation, Edit with music, Posting to MSP Excite Channels Across multiple online locations. We keep your costs of time & treasure low by managing the videos on MSP Excite Channels.


2021 Sample of a “Mobile” Spotlight (Free Gift with Local Supporter Signup)

Onsite instant scripting, Mobile Video Creation, Logo Animation, and Music From MSP Excites Music Library. This post reached 1,885 People on Instagram and 1400+ on Facebook in the first hour. We have three spotlight packages. All get posted with all the info and tagged for people to find your business. And when we Script during preproduction we can work on matching the keywords to enhance your SEO and Branded Connections through out the internet.

Sharing a Spotlight Video is simple. On Facebook click/tap Share Instagram tap on the Paper Air Plane Icon choose how you’d like to share. On Youtube the videos we create and and place on our channel have an Embed Code/Link for sharing on a website or blog.